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Olympic Flame Hungary
Aranybastya restaurantSponsor
Aranybastya restaurant Icon
Best Restaurant in Budapest: Aranybastya is definitely one of the best restaurants in the city. Located in the heart of the city, this restaurant offers a wide variety of Hungarian and international dishes. The ambiance is perfect for a romantic dinner or a night out with friends. The service is professional and the food is absolutely delicious. If you are looking for an amazing dining experience in Budapest, Aranybastya is the place to go.
36309561342 | View ProfileCsónak str 1, Budapest Hungary
Csupa Chili Grill& GyrosSponsor
Csupa Chili Grill& Gyros Icon
Csupa Chili gyorsétterme ideális választás a XVI. kerületben, Budapest szívében, ha finom gyrosra és hamburgerekre vágysz. Engedd, hogy elbuvöljenek ínycsiklandó szószaink, sajtburgerjeink, hamburgereink, grillezett húsaink és saját gyros különlegességünk. Tapasztald meg a görög gyorsétterem hangulatát és élvezd a kifogástalan kiszolgálást tiszta környezetünkben. Budapest XVI. kerületében könnyen megtalálhatóak vagyunk, és büszkék vagyunk rá, hogy a város egyik legkiválóbb görög gyros éttermének számítunk. Profi és szakérto séfjeink mindent megtesznek azért, hogy gasztronómiai élményünk páratlan legyen. Mindig gondoskodunk róla, hogy húsaink tökéletesen átsüljenek, és mindig gyors kiszolgálást biztosítunk.
+36 30 717 1135 | View ProfileBudapest 1161, Hungary
Caviar and Bull BudapestSponsor
Caviar and Bull Budapest Icon
Caviar & Bull is an acclaimed luxury restaurant in Budapest, offering a truly remarkable fine dining Budapest experience. With its unique blend of Mediterranean and fusion flavors, the menu features an array of gourmet dishes, including premium caviar, fresh seafood, and the finest Wagyu beef Budapest has to offer. As one of the top seafood restaurants Budapest, diners can indulge in expertly crafted dishes, such as signature seafood creations and steaks, all prepared with precision and creativity. The luxurious atmosphere, coupled with impeccable service, makes it the perfect destination for both intimate dinners and larger gatherings.Beyond its dining experience, Caviar & Bull stands out as one of the premier corporate event venues in Budapest, offering a sophisticated setting for business meetings, private events, and celebrations. The restaurant is part of the renowned Golden Caviar Restaurant Budapest family, ensuring a high level of culinary artistry and hospitality. Whether you’re looking for an upscale venue for a corporate event or a place to savor the finest steak Budapest has to offer, Caviar & Bull provides an unparalleled experience in the heart of the city.
+36308323232 | View ProfileBudapest, Budapest Hungary